我们是NEW FIELD国际教育集团加拿大分公司, 专业负责办理各类留学移民项目(包括美签,续大小签等),我们用热心耐心贴心爱心让您放心,加拿大分公司位于多伦多Downtown商业区(Eaton center旁),成立十年来已经成为加拿大留学移民业务的旗舰品牌,我们会定期为留加的学子们举办丰富多彩的留学生活动,让您或您的孩子在异国他乡仍然不会感到孤单,详情请加QQ咨询2636834740 验证信息请注明密西沙加中文论坛 感兴趣的朋友可以访问我们的facebook 主页 https://zh-cn.facebook.com/pages ... up/1400465033519613 和总公司官网 http://www.nfeedu.com/
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纽菲尔德国际教育集团(New Field Education Group)成立于2002年,总部在澳大利亚悉尼,分别在新西兰,加拿大,中国等国家设立多个分公司。 纽菲尔德国际教育集团业务涵盖出国英语培训、留学移民咨询、签证信息支持、留学生管家服务、海外投资指导等。是一个全方位的国际教育集团;是一个助您实现留学梦想、为您开创事业新领域的专业服务机构。经过多年积累,也随着市场的发展,业务范畴更加广泛。现已在中国,加拿大等国家设立多个集团直属分公司,并协 同全世界的其他合作伙伴包括美国、英国、韩国、日本、中东、以及亚洲其它国家的留学移民公司,针对全球留学生和投资群体,提供专业而可靠的国外高等教育,境外服务及移民投资资讯。 纽菲尔德国际教育集团(New Field Education Group)本着“专业高效”的工作精神,十年的共同努力,公司在海内外现已拥有了众多高素质且经验丰富的咨询顾问和专业人员,以“境外问题,境内解决”的服务方式深得留学生和学生家长的好评,不仅帮助留学生解决择校、签证的难题,更注重照顾留学生海外生活,圆了近万名莘莘学子的出国留学梦。近年来,纽菲尔德国际教育集团为不断寻求全球的投资项目和战略合作机会,致力于帮助企业及成功人士办理各国的投资移民及海外投资指导。目前公司的业务在澳大利亚,新西兰和中国等市场都呈现出飞速发展的良好态势。纽菲尔德国际教育集团以其不断的努力和雄厚的国际背景,已成为出国留学、海外投资人士值得信赖的专家。 New Field Education Group was founded in 2002, with its headquarterslocated in Sydney, Australia, and registered branches located in NewZealand, Canada, and China. : A4 v" ?& @1 D( K) G3 j/ `
New Field Education Group provides guidance and servicein language training, overseas study & immigration advice, visaapplication, “student butler” service and overseas investment. It is acomprehensive international education group who can help our clients achievetheir study dreams as well as create a new field of successful business. Oureducational resources are enormous. We have a large number of partners inAmerica, the United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, Middle East and other Asiancountries that can provide you the most accurate and reliable educationalinformation, and help you manage school applications and study plans that meetyour satisfaction.
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“Professionalism and Efficiency” is what we require ofourselves. After ten years of concerted effort, we have retained many highlyqualified, experienced and professional consultants who have becomeindustry leaders in international education. New Field Education is notonly helping students choose among various schools and apply for visas, but isalso paying serious attention towards the provision of help and assistance forour clients. We have received a great deal of positive feedback from ourstudents and their parents regarding our service, and we have sent thousands ofChinese students abroad. Our company is growing fast, and we believe goingabroad to further your education whilst experiencing a new culture will not bejust a dream, but a reality if we do it together.
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In recent years,New Field Education Group has been constantly looking for global investmentprojects and strategic opportunities. We are dedicated to helpingbusinesspersons and successful talents apply for immigration and foreigninvestment. At present, our business in Australia, New Zealand and China israpidly developing and has turned out a positive trend. As our continuousefforts and strong international background, New Field Education Group hasbecome truly credible expert in studying abroad and overseas investment. |