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[异地投资] Brightwater:彻底改变密市Port Cred‌it









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6721 朵
100 金币
发表于 2020-5-2 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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本帖最后由 DavidZhu 于 2020-5-2 11:38 编辑 9 u, g8 I0 F6 `+ ~' J/ u& A, P

8 Y6 P0 B- C, K2 YBrightwater:彻底改变密市Port Cred‌it 湖‌滨布局的一个超‌级大盘,密市最令人向往的社区https://davidzhu.ca/blog/brightwater%e5%bd%bb%e5%ba%95%e6%94%b9%e5%8f%98%e5%af%86%e5%b8%82port-cred%e2%80%8cit-%e6%b9%96%e2%80%8c%e6%bb%a8%e5%b8%83%e5%b1%80%e7%9a%84%e4%b8%80%e4%b8%aa%e8%b6%85%e2%80%8c%e7%ba%a7%e5%a4%a7/! X5 s* O7 p# C& x# q& r
! g1 l" ~3 j6 S2 V9 g
/ F0 `+ p9 ~# f' G, Z( U' \2 k
彻底改变密市湖‌滨布局的一个超‌级大盘:Port Cred‌it大型规划社区Bright‌water,由五大房地产开发‌商共同‌开发,包括约2500个公‌寓单位和约400个联排镇屋!
这个项目附近商铺、超市、餐馆、绿地、沙滩、公园等等设施齐备,近公交系统Go火车站 高速2020年春第️一期即将发售,升值潜力巨大
项目名称 I Brightwater Condos
楼盘地址|70 Mississauga Road S, Mississauga
9 H6 `3 L1 \( t" E谷楼盘开发 I Kilmer Group, Dream, Diamond Corp, Fram+Slokker 谥建筑承办 I Giannone Petricone Associates Inc7 w$ {9 b& X; U9 R) k5 b( x+ |
价格区间 I 40万起
' @- i9 v/ e# u' V5 E; P胃楼层高度 I 26层6 F( @6 d% j" Y; e8 ]
匮单位数量 I 2500个公寓单位, 400个镇屋单位
( x; S9 f  B* q; q& L$ i8 M交楼日期 I 待定
Port Credit West Village Condos & Towns位于密市 Port Credit成熟湖滨社区,是目前密西沙加规划中最大的湖滨综合性社区之一,占地72英亩, 住宅部分将由400套Townhouse和2500套高级公寓组成, 另外将有200,000平方英尺的面积用于办公、 商业及零售用途。 根据规划, 社区内有高达23 %面积将由草地、公园、 步道及绿色走廊所覆盖。
Port Credit West Village Condos & Towns离安大略湖仅3分钟的步行距离,& I8 m9 R( y) W3 C: Y' g& ^
其中Brightwater公寓仅26层的楼高设计, 将确保整个社区保持中低密度, 而且公寓面积从一卧到三卧不等,可充分满足不同家庭的居住需求。 而Townhouse  除了和独立屋一样具备宽敞和舒适的居住空间, 还可以享受和公寓一样的配套设4 t/ _* S+ ^1 ^5 i
· 步行距离可达Port Credit GO Train 车站
/ d& D0 f1 l! R$ B8 ~  m" V· 搭GO Train到Downtown只需要25-30分钟/ ~$ B% t+ X* M: @! E
· 轻松连接QEW、 403和407等高速公路9 z6 H/ y4 X* s) j8 v
· 开车15分钟可到多伦多大学密市分校- U+ W: m1 C& V6 O* S# d
· 享受 Port Credit成熟社区的配套设施
' W# b- v7 r4 D7 k2 m% D· 未来轻轨将连接到Square One等区域
1. Location, location, location!该项目所属的PortCredit成熟湖滨社区位于密西沙加中南部安大略湖北岸和Credit河交汇处, 是密西沙加最高端、 最有活力的社区之一。居民家庭年收入在20万以上, 是仅次于多伦多市中心的热门投资区域之一。
2.性价比高, 预计单价每平方尺600余元起, 性价比远高于多伦多市中心楼盘。 为了及时锁定心仪的楼层和户型, 诸点击屏幕最下方进行登记。
3.交通四通八达, 步行可至PortCredit Go火车站, 25分钟即可抵达多伦多市中心, 驾车轻松连接QEW、 403和407高速公路。
4.与家人共同享受诗意生活的最佳选择。 该项目周边公园环绕, 3分钟步行可至安大略湖畔, 散步、 慢跑、 划船, 垂钓, 你可以随心所欲选择自己喜欢的方式亲近大自然。 社区内文化主题活动丰富, 每年定期举办Mississauga Waterfront Festival、 PortCredit游艇展、 龙舟节、 音乐节等。
Brightwater Condo & Town Developers8 m1 b+ t1 `& W3 b% i- q3 Q

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This development is an organization that’s been building infrastructure throughout the province for three generations. They’re well known for the creation of an award-winning master-planned community in Toronto, which resulted in a BILD Community of the Year award in 2014 and the National Association of Home Builders 2013 Urban Community of the Year award.
Read more about this developer.
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Dream Asset Management Corporation is one of Canada’s leading real estate companies. With approximately $14-billion in assets under management across the globe, their portfolio includes land and housing development, commercial property ownership and investments in Canadian renewable energy infrastructure.
Read more about this developer.

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) ^" R0 @" N* Q7 A1 U2 Y7 o; U; H; H2 ?8 {( ]

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DiamondCorp is a development firm that specializes in contemporary condominium development and boasts a portfolio including sleek, urban towers as well as large-scale mixed-use projects that encompass multiple phases. Currently, they have two hotly-anticipated, master-planned communities under construction in Toronto.
Read more about this developer.
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Slokker is a development firm with strong roots in the Netherlands. They branched into the Canadian Market with another project in the Port Credit neighborhood, the award-winning transformation of the St. Lawrence Starch Factory, which was chosen as a finalist for the best land-use project by the Urban Land Use Institute.
Read more about this developer.

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Fram Building Group has been building condos and commercial projects throughout the GTA for nearly 25 years. With over 11,000 residences to their name, this is the second master-planned neighborhood in the works.
Read more about this developer.
近期文章3 C1 G9 O9 Y) U
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