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[异地投资] $40万价格入住北约克周边豪华Condo Townhouse【Victoria Garden】









Rank: 1

6721 朵
100 金币
发表于 2020-5-7 01:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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本帖最后由 DavidZhu 于 2020-5-7 01:22 编辑
- k. i* @; \0 h' ^6 w4 B. ~+ x
+ u3 b) ^/ v0 d' H) ^$40万价格入住北约克周边豪华Condo Townhouse【Victoria Garden】华人社区 全部户型图和价格listings
Victoria Garden Condo Townhouse 付世嘉堡价格 ,享受北约克的成熟资源!仅15%首付 $490/尺!1 G( H* Y% o) A" R; V* k
VG集聚️大优点:$40万,交通网络发达,成熟工商业,教育资源,环境别致优雅,绿化完善,包租计划!2023年春天入住!; J( }2 s0 P& s' |% \
/ i& o8 t0 H* r) F0 Y⚜️赠送地下停车位 ,自行车位" n! c: M& q! Z5 ~0 t
5 X* M- ?% A# Z% Q6 H% Y! ~& e% R⚜️赠送一次免费转让计划
" h  R/ |: u2 e, N7 ]3 s⚜️超低管理费:$0.24
BLK A, Marketing layout combine, 2019093 (1)
) F6 F" M' I  z: P& t3 e$10,000 CD with worksheet,
* a& L' _7 x5 q: ]$ k签约30天 5%- $10,000 CD,
4 |9 L) A' ^9 ?0 t5 z120天5%,
( ^- y" f% e, F2 i# B270天5%,# w5 W$ d) j) f( E- U! H2 v5 E* _
occupancy 5%  |- N0 F) P( c: V' J' c( r* S
====================: ~! h, b+ M$ o" D
非居民VG的签约付款方式9 J0 H4 U6 Q- v# a, a# ]
$10,000 CD with worksheet,6 U! l9 t# Y: B  ~0 a7 [$ C' z: [( S$ ^5 g
签约30天 10% – $10,000 CD,8 X' ]2 C$ B" p; ^5 }
- M' A4 g$ n: k270天10%,
9 F7 _  m) D1 I: o$ R* Y3 loccupancy 5%.Life at the Victoria Garden
( ]3 e) f; D5 e, C
7 ~" l" a1 c7 U& y' P* d  @  G0 S7 _7 P% P5 J, }& U9 M
价格非常美丽:$40万出头,$490/尺起!”LIVE THE LIFE”是VG的宗旨,
. P9 h9 s. M5 }" J* r3 \4 h; K! A% v- }
社区内的每栋楼都被绿化包围,: b+ P& S; N- e) p. c6 X+ t
还有一个户外儿童娱乐园,开发商立志打造一个集自然与生活于一体的居住社区。, \$ k, ]9 b8 w5 \2 E" Q
4 g1 h6 k8 n8 o% ~& D& A: a心动不如行动:原始价买入 Low $40万起赠送地下停车位赠送室内自行车存放处
* U2 ]  R9 O' c  t赠送储存间赠送一次免费转让计划8 T* t! K! J* I/ T! U3 p* z& ^3 ]+ ~
超低管理费:$0.24 (包园艺,铲雪,保险,公共设施维护)

0 \+ I+ z) J7 ]Project Details; }: {( u) Z9 q" D. L
项目名称:Victoria Garden Condo Townhouse
项目交界处:Victoria park/ Finch
管理费:$0.24(包园艺,铲雪,保险,公共设施维护,停车场维护 水电气分表支付 parking at 42cd/mth Locker at 18cd/mth)
A: $10k with the offer
Balance to 5% in 30 days
5% in 120 days
5% in 270 days
5% in Occupancy
- @, H7 N  a5 v
+ _* O0 \# S" ~* J) b
4 _! ]' a  O2 l6 y
3 h4 U3 y- V; B5 M  \! C( X( U

9 g% @# Z( V: L; c" d8 Z, A
$ V& ^) n, o+ ^/ C& P4 r1 B; i' _0 p3 ~* ^
  • 价格美丽就是王道,原始价,外赠价值6万白金优惠包!
  • 交通指数和生活指数非常高,升值空间大!
  • 世嘉堡核心位置,距北约克一街道之遥,付世嘉堡的价格,享受北约克的方便。
  • 10分钟到达地铁站,30分钟到达市中心!
  • 出租性价比极高,空置率低!投资客的首选
  • 包租计划,暂定3-5年,无需亲自管理,每月租金准时入库
  • 户型优越大气,装修高端时尚
    8 E" E2 L5 L0 [9 o0 n2 }
( |+ i$ w' K$ Q* a1 ]8 u% j
Victoria Garden
7 s" H8 i6 B! y
Layouts:           1 Bdrm + 1 Den to 3 Bdrm
Units:               142
Unit Size:         600 – 1474 Sq. Ft.
Stories:           4
Parking:           Over 150 underground parking spaces and indoor bicycle storage
Transit Score:  70/100
* _% S. }3 x8 V7 t3 J# F9 N" `

! B, R- s2 Y& m0 r3 [
" N. R/ a0 Z# s& y' E- O' W) x4 R$ [0 ?1 N: w9 N
此区交通极为便利,多伦多最重要的交通干道SHEPPARD、404高速、401高速、FINCH大道、VICTORIA PARK大道在这里纵横交错,形成交汇地带,西接北约克、东望士嘉堡。10分钟到达地铁站,30分钟到达市中心!优等的教育资源,成熟的交通网络,自驾,步行,交通工具,四通八达!周边有商场、餐厅、图书馆、公园、健身房等多种设施。2分钟 Chester Le公园、Closest公立学校3分钟 Hwy404;4分钟 托儿所,Goodlife健身房;
% Y( m. ~3 @/ f# i1 n$ i5 o+ p
7分钟 北约克地区
7分钟 Bridlewood商场,多伦多图书馆;
8分钟 Fairview商场、大统华超市;
10分钟 Hwy401、太古广场、北约克全科医院、Seneca College。
30分钟 多伦多市中心
临近Chester Le公园和Shawnee公园,最佳遛弯散步好去处,绿色好心情,绿色植物具有安抚人心缓解疲劳的作用,纯天然氧吧,让您的生活健康多彩。

3 R- ]3 \9 e" u0 [
# I; T4 B- E0 ^6 e9 o* n5 F  _5 [! E2 ]2 V& w2 D! u# y, ]5 H
Home Information & Amenities
) t- ]' {0 b; s. s- {& n* C+ n9 m) a- U& R
1 v7 g) l% ?! l9 F8 U

- h  B: v3 Y$ E  k0 @" t. Z! z) ]9 A- F# n3 V* y$ q

: q% b2 m8 I+ r% E/ J  h2 m( f/ e, B! }; N6 U

$ Z/ ^- Q; T0 ?1 W  g3 E7 K: E/ W6 B% t, N
. n# [6 H' S' f* ~: V& V1 T7 x3 I8 i+ a) D
+ Y* Q1 i0 r  f7 L% w/ ^2 Q# \6 M
  `- n; K. I$ ?' E- f. p: s
+ i' ~  L! w( B( _

; w9 x8 g. z* Z: b2 b8 e
6 N2 z" b1 i9 G6 C/ d1 Q- D3 d
5 |& A; o1 Z4 u) i( F. H. `/ [& H0 [/ d

6 Q3 L6 S$ K* _0 H) F' w% S4 c& u8 j2 k, c6 @6 G8 C. s$ x) M8 o# S
% L" n5 D  X9 W9 Z
1 c/ Z3 U3 f7 k+ T6 {8 d

/ N7 c( B! ?( u/ r7 v1 Y" T
' L  l  T$ b$ O0 i% j! e3 `% z8 H* d5 D& x
7 r! [, k' S8 a( _3 G% a0 L! O

, B- b+ Z2 j7 H) I' ^; G- a" \, d  _. d3 G

" L1 \' R" g  s9 n
  e) ?/ B) n% n1 O0 |  p7 ]: I& Q
3 R$ P/ J8 \9 k
; T* d7 K6 b) k& v: [
% [* o5 T4 ]& L. T" n

) J$ W+ m) C* U$ m& j) |( `7 n4 P6 w* v6 L+ @/ G

6 b! `" Q$ e, g) ANeighborhood
2 P1 |: H! G( c& Y- }% Z0 n
- F, V; D! S' k9 n% Z, b8 f6 }7 K! M% b
7 B( x, h  ?. D# p
% W/ A% S) x) c

+ d- ?2 N- _6 Q; P' P  n! P8 S, C; e; j0 F1 s9 t$ V& w# {" n
, `% y; o; ~) \9 f

9 N+ S( f# B9 ^; ]$ Q4 ?5 x
6 G) z, T- V. I2 |# R) k" T" x( }5 B# p# ^
* t& X! O2 b2 d9 k

6 \$ Y4 `6 `" t, s9 \
# Y+ ]" J$ [% t' N% v! G# M' A( @/ Q: |, t

- J  [" H. w: k
At Victoria Garden, you can go everywhere within minutes. In a setting surrounded by opportunities to work, play, and discover, the concept of community has seamlessly emerged.

2 P. O  P* O& y" M
Victoria Garden is the perfect balance of accessibility, quality, and comfort. When it is time to play, you can connect to other over shared interests at the local market, the library, or the nearby Chester Le Park. When it is time for some retail therapy, you are minutes away from the Bridlewood Mall, and when it is time to venture outside of your neighborhood, Victoria Garden provided a gateway to the everywhere via the Highway 401 and 404.

& n9 ?5 Z' B2 j. h3 n, h; ^, s* ?$ U9 A
1 y6 s% r- u3 s" I9 C

1 y7 I) ]; s) B6 n, `1 w
# d% p3 i: K7 s6 u
3 i. E( ]: M) {  v2 O# y2 |
7 B. t: A5 ~( [1 \) b0 u
9 J/ }3 x, |5 V
2 ~, N' Q; F2 R3 t$ Q
' M/ k) r5 x% r$ z- V. j
: m0 s7 z; X4 A3 K
+ h5 Z  N& Y: ~( a: }$ a
( V& ]; I- F* Z# a7 z

' c) i& D9 P5 P6 Z9 c6 {: ?4 ?$ o. I! T9 H% q5 N

" G5 E' O2 N# [& m; {( @8 I& z' d' C) ?8 o: Q
' H' O. u) O5 E* `
2 ^" E' o, k0 o. P7 ]

# \  y2 `$ Y( [/ |2 ^* q. X8 y4 F% _, {
4 O& h  u/ f( k$ W4 R

3 b9 b# [) V1 x# q5 ]
* V% e) M3 s* y5 X* U4 V4 _' G8 [5 f$ ]) }% o& S

1 V: E8 |8 u. J' @0 f$ d% q* n6 g4 |" W& t! b' y9 e+ }

$ L  M  Z. H" S/ d; V
0 T- |% l3 x3 k' p: S  I! }6 U/ Z% A
# G( z; x( D6 Q% s3 |6 E. s
More Greenery

4 |  E, R5 @/ f1 K
Within moments of arriving here, you will understand why Victoria Garden Is such an exceptional family community, and it is a place that gives you the pristine beauty of an expansive greenery park and the convenience of life in a vibrant urban center all at the same time.
Victoria Garden,位于黄金地段 3453 Victoria park/ Finch东北角 距北约克一街之隔,北约克?世嘉堡?“傻傻分不清楚!区位优势明显,紧邻Hwy404、Hwy401,10分钟到达地铁站,30分钟到达市中心!  开车到SENECA COLLEGE仅10分钟,出租容易!开发商同时提供包租计划,无需亲自管理,坐等其成,躺着收钱!集聚六大优点为一体:完善交通网络,成熟的工商业,优等教育资源,环境别致优雅,绿化十分完善,共享北约克资源!2023年春天入住!
From great shopping and dining to easy access to transit, to elite education from Seneca college, the Victoria Garden has it all.

6 J# W, D! f# S0 z8 l, D! g* i! d' P1 q

6 s# `# P1 x% |/ K. [/ E
9 d+ a: k6 v4 K. o2 E" S. \
! l5 d: C* x$ Y# C' {& Z+ j
5 S3 B7 S, k$ J% S) r# g+ @* X- X& Z% }6 }: ^, k; h

( P2 b% n  A6 T$ D2 v' M' b, k9 J# I) x2 }

; d2 t, @$ y7 E2 H! g4 b$ M; c. L4 l% t# m; m+ r' T) W
& ?8 Q  t/ N# N0 n
; F$ D9 {- n* X7 _

. B7 u/ m- h9 h
! [7 R8 z# U! a1 c6 x1 Z) bDeveloper
3 `; T4 A, h+ M1 N* _4 @- w' K
# C5 X2 g- h: h% {1 b
' Q6 Q' z3 J( j" w
At 95 Development, we provide a variety of services ranging from commercial land development and condominium development to property management and asset management.
In addition to the Victoria Park Avenue condominium project, our anticipated Sheppard Avenue East condominium project is expected to debut soon. We are committed over the next three years to provide over 1,000 residential dwelling units across the GTA, and an entertainment/ shopping complex of 200,000 square feet, including a multi-screen cinema. With quality and convenience in mind, it will no doubt be the brightest and hottest spot in town!

. @$ N0 z9 Z8 z
To ensure the highest degree of success and continuous growth, we aim to achieve high efficiency, innovation, and sustainability in operations for our clients and the community.

* [* @' b  A( k' T6 c3 S: \
“Comfort, convenience, and quality,” is our commitment at 95 Development.

( ~3 Z7 n/ x) a3 I% o5 C% ^8 b0 d; x* h" I- T

* L9 m8 c" A3 ~4 S* U7 ~; [
# `/ c* O1 a1 v# \( t) O8 ^0 M" k2 T4 ^0 Y7 a9 r
% c. j* T$ x- @; b6 y* w# f: ]8 y- r5 d: a4 J
6 U$ O7 D3 R; Z' R; t

  }8 |1 O2 X" q) W. ]# N
- Y4 @" Z: `. `: O' d  b2 w/ f1 E/ e0 ~0 z
* H( L3 {2 a3 m) U% I# ~
! _. H8 K4 G  x! n

2 \8 H1 R5 M: q% \: n3 t9 o4 i编辑  C: d7 i* Z5 ?: p! p

" @; |  m$ G; h  Z, T* x
4 k; f1 I8 ^% K4 H. Q
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