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39184 金币
发表于 2011-1-15 22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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% X) t5 ]: u5 Y5 l( H1 w$ H, b. h) a0 i+ n) ?

. l- q7 N/ E1 x* k! F) e2 m- j8 P$ n    为什么有的人快乐,有的人悲伤?
' I5 y1 [& r4 D$ `! ~    为什么有的人愉悦又富有,有的人却痛苦又贫穷?; K+ X$ O3 l# _  p1 S+ n+ i. [
: b2 z) W$ P2 l( W9 ~* G+ ^    为什么有的人能在美丽奢华的家里安然度日,而另外一些人却不得不在拥挤的贫民窟里挣扎一生?
6 |4 e- w( _8 D; J, x2 J" \, V
% E1 t4 o  c3 I4 e. I, ?  U0 h  为什么有的人成就卓着,而另外一些人却终生落魄?
6 T) b6 C6 q3 D6 m1 {3 r2 S* @; S    为什么有的人说起话来叫人心服口服且备受欢迎,而另外一些人却言辞乏味又令人厌恶?# g1 ?  q0 Q+ ~+ g
4 u2 T: n; k+ b! b. q; _  为什么有的人在罹患绝症后还能重获新生,而另外一些人却因为一点小病就一命呜呼?
- n6 T" y( l) O; r  g$ t
5 W; C. k7 c5 z

5 m8 W& c' F: x: _% |# @    为什么有的人明明善良温和,拥有纯粹的信仰,却得不停地为生活的苦难所折磨?
6 V, ]: u. W" ^2 [6 |# }. O7 C) Q8 `( m    为什么有的人道德败坏而且内心空洞浮浅,却能够享受荣华富贵并长命百岁?; V  h$ d# Q2 V% V+ ]7 q4 S# S
: h4 S+ Q. ~" Y3 u" `1 x6 j- E
: [, O) `, w7 a7 [- ^  g

9 r) y) _! F, Y! z- |7 j* s" q' c; i$ ?! H" W# S# X4 b

& z) X, B7 }! E( X, \0 ]- W; H- s; j( X( J  P- \: X0 D# c

! P6 [: Z! T6 Y+ B6 |$ F; p
, G# f. C# V  n- R

; e" @  }6 s) X9 U9 _现在,你能猜到这些问题的答案了吗?是的,所有的疑问都指向同一个答案:% h' B+ \' W# Q: e* H! ^

, @+ g+ U+ H0 ~% w6 ^5 s
( {$ }! X3 E% {
1 B4 J3 _4 |" U  _7 ]3 w

4 H/ P  a# N6 @) vDo you know the answers?
; U; {6 O$ J- D# I. y  Q; M
2 y) Q( Q  ]) j' _, ~Why is one man sad and another man happy? 8 q1 F  X& U0 g7 k6 R( T

. r. n7 o9 r" D" G3 F8 t9 G% iWhy is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable?
' d6 H% H* s& t7 @6 y' @8 ]- a" w3 z$ t4 u  v6 p
Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence?
3 R9 ?* [; G9 D. p' Q! ^
4 i' N3 `' T8 F& o# qWhy does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum?
1 H2 Z; `* G5 }( |1 F# C) k0 l
; Z8 S3 L' R! @1 qWhy is one man a great success and another an abject failure? 9 L& e& G7 K) E3 F$ ]

: e; D) u! N: r) T8 X/ U% JWhy is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? ! Z; e8 p. ~' b0 O) T7 ^6 ~/ f
% A, b) u. [) {/ h: j' F# N1 B  _
Why is one man a genius in his work or profession while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile?
6 h1 m4 d7 u9 @( B/ ]" e7 @
- J/ x. c! P( P% a. a/ m$ MWhy is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t?
  E9 J' J9 o) B3 Q: L) }: c$ e  L) c# W% f4 Q) Q/ d& |
Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body?
- Q  Z( Y) c6 v+ y
8 k' t5 h# r5 `5 fWhy is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health?
$ A7 ?; a0 s. E/ n# X
6 v2 K/ f2 ^+ V. N& v% L: o5 E) dWhy is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated?
/ R, V$ ]; \9 t# W  N( x' Q" n5 \3 A+ P/ n2 l1 I$ j' w
Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds?
  ?3 j6 Y" b6 [/ X0 f6 _( \5 v/ F4 k4 h) }
There most certainly is.
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