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密西沙加華人專商業協會,簡稱「專商協會」,為一非牟利團體,專注聯絡華人專業及商界人士推動密西沙加市市民的社會及經濟利益。7 C! Y& B8 B+ Z5 o, ^0 R' `
專商協會代表密市各行各業的專業及商業人士及其家人。一九九八年五月創會以來,已經發展成為華人專業及商界社區的重要發言人。/ e- g! C4 Q/ _
6 k) f# I( ^, Q9 Y主要活動( G6 q. N; f2 q. y# o
2 `! m# J5 H0 S. Z健而樂健康展覽:有關促健康的研討及展覽。
5 _( Q8 T4 B: S& a1 J$ p* ~提倡文化藝術活動' x- S9 n# B# q" k' e, M7 |; I
中華藝萃耀密城、音樂會、芭蕾舞表演、演唱會、粵劇、攝影文化展覽。' a. q$ S5 X( |! `+ S
體育活動8 ]; Q. C. v$ V8 c& v
: v4 _( w$ S) M: G8 {網絡活動
$ o4 b8 |, j, ?6 \& @網絡午餐及晚餐會,慈善遊船河。7 f6 D* R9 o3 t6 X3 b
9 r! L* P; Z4 H演講工作坊、普通話班、安排義工機會。6 j0 _- m6 j* d5 i+ k2 A
海外交流團' j0 l, X% |4 n- T- Z
+ O7 U+ u& ~9 \; s鳳宴
H. w& n, @* Q( |華專商會周年餐舞會演化成為社區周年籌款活動,參加人數達千人。
/ O2 f/ s' g+ _3 M
r3 Z5 @( G: M$ Z+ l聯絡
- C' s( s' C1 i3 B/ v出版《專商期刊》,網址:www.cpbmississauga.com2 I# E, y9 Y5 d& h+ Z9 M
欲聯絡專商協會,請用電郵 cpb@cpbmississauga.com 或致電 905-828-6800。6 I/ C/ u7 i) V3 p; ^3 L- b
1 |& n0 Y( g& v# t- p: j2 z1 f6 ZThe Mississauga Board of Chinese Professionals & Businesses, or "CPB" as it is otherwise known, is a non-profit organization dedicated to linking Chinese professionals and businesses to advance the socio-economic well-being of all residents in Mississauga.% y6 C% k# ^& |
CPB represents professionals and businesses from all walks of life, as well as individuals and families within the Mississauga community. Launched in May 1998, CPB has developed to be one of the most dynamic and pre-eminent voices for the Chinese professional and business community. CPB is often the 揵ridge?between Chinese and Canadians, and between the East and the West.
( Z5 X' _9 S4 b* R6 P8 p" Q+ X$ r- GCPB is also a key player in community involvement and a great supporter of community activities. CPB is often the 揵ridge?between Chinese and Canadians, and between the East and the West. In the past few years, CPB has raised over $1 million to support charities and organizations in need.HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIESHealth Promotion & Awareness - Healthy Living Expos, promotion of Health-related Seminars and Exhibitions.
+ f T+ s) |$ v V6 VPromotion of Arts & Culture- Mississauga Chinese Arts Festivals, Musical Performances, Ballet Performances, Star Shows, Cantonese Operas, Photos and Cultural Exhibitions.
$ L) d+ b1 X3 S3 ]9 DSports Activities- Badminton Tournaments, Bowling Tournaments, participation at Dragon Boat races.
, r, E3 G0 C" p/ e5 g
Networking Activities- Networking Luncheons and Dinners, Charity Cruises.
' k0 e2 k# y3 M, v% @8 b
Youth Development & Self Enhancement- Public Speaking Workshops, Mandarin Classes & Volunteer Opportunities.
) h$ @7 X9 ]: o
Missions to other countries- Business Missions, Education Missions, Student & Teacher Exchange Programs.
% m+ l; c1 ^* o+ A$ V/ K* P" \Phoenix Ball- The Phoenix Ball, which started as an annual gala of CPB, has evolved to become a meaningful annual fundraising gala for the community. In past years, the number of guests attending the Phoenix Ball has increased from a few hundred to over 1000.
! G9 I, I f, ^; j4 @5 }9 Z5 p/ pCommunication
! |' I; [! [; ~( b4 yFor further information, please contact CPB Office at cpb@cpbmississauga.com or 905-828-6800. |