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每年圣诞节全家一起听的歌:”Christmas Shoes”









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369 金币
发表于 2011-12-24 16:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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每年的圣诞节来临,我们全家人都要一起反复听一首歌:”CHRISTMAS SHOES”,每当听完后,全家人都被感动的热泪盈眶。圣诞节重温这首歌,也是我认识的很多加拿大家庭的一个传统。让全家人都认识,圣诞节的真正意义。- `/ z# @2 _$ s% Y/ j6 t
歌词的主题意思,大概讲一位演说家,圣诞夜去购买一些最后的礼物,当他排队站在付款台前,却感觉不到节日的意义。站在他前面的顾客,是一位穿着破旧衣服的小男孩,手里拿着一双女鞋,小男孩告诉收银员,他希望买这双鞋给他的生病的妈妈,妈妈患了癌症将要去世,妈妈穿上这双鞋见耶稣的话会更美。收银员告诉他,他的钱不够付鞋子,小男孩转身恳求演说家帮忙,并告诉他,虽然他家太穷过不起圣诞节,但是他的妈妈总是尽力去庆祝。于是演说家替他付了钱,小男孩连忙道谢后,拿着鞋冲回家,而这位小男孩却帮助演说家明白了圣诞节的真正意义。% a2 F* N! X- @0 l) g) _1 o6 o
; ?: o/ \, p$ h: w0 I1 V2 d; {# ~( S9 uhttp://youtu.be/0a_Y1wAJ2MU' q6 ~, f. p  x  }  o
It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line2 G, |; ^, F8 h0 u
Tryin’ to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood
5 ]* r" h% m, z2 _3 k( t' A' F$ ZStanding right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously1 E; t& J. ~4 x! ~+ _
Pacing ’round like little boys do. z  I& k8 r# g- E9 v
And in his hands he held a pair of shoes
  p, t% r; ^* A3 j+ Z6 Z* L6 MHis clothes were worn and old, he was dirty from head to toe
7 U: I  X; ]5 A* gAnd when it came his time to pay
* Q& E4 B7 B3 a( Z# FI couldn’t believe what I heard him say1 v# l3 y/ \' }9 r( B
/ B& \; f2 K6 h) x* ^0 U: KSir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please2 p$ V; A- m/ z
It’s Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
# t( @7 Q9 U- {6 J0 CCould you hurry, sir, Daddy says there’s not much time" `- \4 Y! y5 d! l$ V. Y
You see she’s been sick for quite a while9 X  E9 t. e+ ]. S3 `) R8 z1 X
And I know these shoes would make her smile
+ x; b# d# Q3 e: L0 P  _And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight
7 V1 ^- x. V$ {2 `. C" D( p( CHe counted pennies for what seemed like years
. b" k! @1 o$ q# c9 I) ~Then the cashier said, “Son, there’s not enough here”( C6 o6 F" W7 y, n* T. Q/ i8 e
He searched his pockets frantically2 ?4 J% V0 A6 Y0 E: b
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/n/ne ... s-shoes-lyrics.html]
. M. z0 m/ }4 `+ W+ D# D" |* c2 V8 O( PThen he turned and he looked at me
7 Z- }  ^/ W+ lHe said Mama made Christmas good at our house
- P9 K+ f1 x' F% rThough most years she just did without; y  F  T0 M( E
Tell me Sir, what am I going to do,
: s* m$ B. Z& L, o$ v" w& |. eSomehow I’ve got to buy her these Christmas shoes
6 c: a/ Z  w1 A, {So I laid the money down, I just had to help him out% k# l) d0 N* f, b% b
I’ll never forget the look on his face when he said7 b0 [0 i) U1 H6 D% Q2 a
Mama’s gonna look so great
2 s9 V8 ~' b9 G& L$ f9 c  PSir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
5 t# k" I" @, E& Q, z( YIt’s Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size/ |6 n( W  ^- w8 Z0 }& ^
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there’s not much time; V/ i) [8 f- M: M  b& ?& \$ c+ F
You see she’s been sick for quite a while
; R6 U: ?% s$ U, N% eAnd I know these shoes would make her smile
3 l$ t1 j% |' Z. ^# ?8 hAnd I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight
$ ]4 l: G- E/ x# |5 MBridge:
, Y! w6 m' o+ T. c9 ~2 X* E( vI knew I’d caught a glimpse of heaven’s love9 t* m7 x3 |5 o
As he thanked me and ran out
# W  |5 C, w! X% bI knew that God had sent that little boy1 \8 n* e4 `3 M2 K
To remind me just what Christmas is all about4 `7 H- s, f! X/ n* @6 L
Repeat Chorus
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