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Biz020 Burger Heaven Case solution










Rank: 1

2 朵
100 金币
发表于 2006-4-10 18:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Role and Issue: the fast food restaurant was unprofitable7 ]' t7 u+ P6 A0 c
Options: close the restaurant or operate it
* H% G0 Y+ P! ~, J/ C- z4 C' q& B% g- \% `" X
Corporate Management: mystery shoppers- in order to test customer service; * y* R. K% v5 n+ B/ J2 ^1 p
                            future-focused marketing approach in a remarkable restoration
  L1 U/ ?  Z  e  d' a+ T# W' v7 I) Z                            of the franchisees’ confidence in the management abilities of the
; w: o! o; O5 w; I: I3 W! `                            parent company.
, i2 v! e- _% m8 D- ~# U3 S  h0 H! x% ?4 b: o; T! W0 q, d- j
Implication / KSFs: Word of mouth is important in this small town; w1 g# }. r% Y

' C5 Z9 I$ e; Q- `1 C% n+ }PEST
: M' v) e. k* }0 gPolitical:! X+ }: l& K- _# {4 C  x4 X
Economic: during the recessionary time people spend more money on fast food and 4 w# i4 p. l' P' @% P, u
               spend less money on fine dining. United States has experienced recession
, H' w( }: I8 \/ U               since 2001.          
4 m# S( _- g: o4 W; ?1 o0 vSocial: - 50% of people spend their money in fast food industry, which has a growing
7 j( G. j8 Z* |; r+ ?: N+ N           trend
7 \) E  ~: p: a' g. V0 C2 b        - Even in recession, people still spend money on fast food, cheap. ' W" V8 J! _9 l. g9 y5 L( X
        - “value pricing” and discounting popular menu items - D( p- U  W6 R- L8 H* j4 g
        - “partnering their brands”, whereby two or more fast food chains operated out
& n0 K$ ~# H$ |' Y: c; ?; M            of the same location in order to share the costs such as shared rent, employees, ; _1 S; G8 k, m  s: c* q+ G- X2 E5 O
            and storage and production space.       
! ~/ B' ?7 r6 i9 ?! [        - Social trend towards a fresh, healthy, tasty and different product, and the pace # m6 a7 B0 s+ Z: A
           of the fast food industry" s' j( `# L! O1 g
# t8 T3 u6 a) A* z  g0 m* b& o
' \( T7 z8 `. z6 J6 eCustomer analysis
! ~. i% p: F* T* G' qTarget market: historically, age 18-34, tasty meal, good services, good services, good employees, a good smile, and expand their menu, a healthy style.
8 o3 Q4 G* p+ U& e6 p  ~* T! }
( }5 s" C: O1 Q3 Q& ]1 |1 |* q/ ]Competitive analysis
% {6 h4 w  p; ^. tDirect: other fast food chains   j$ Z7 h: ?. r; t" \
        Strength: new ideas, , Z# I# O, |( o; i
        Weaknesses:6 X( D: G8 Q4 N  L. ~  w2 f: m
. f# k2 [) U/ E: O
Indirect analysis
: s6 d* H: N' I" q; {) I- c        Strength:1 v% D; h! Z$ z% j+ P
        Weakness: improve service; make their contribution to the community in order to
% p6 T3 r! ]- }- G# F                      Attract more local customer, put more signs on the highway $ m, \" d" m; [% f& G) O, ^8 D& H
3 V; Y# J  x# N$ o/ u  V1 g
CANs" V& K8 _* ^3 C( V
        Strengths-KSFs        Weaknesses- KSFs3 J( {0 \% U5 Z( T9 n" b8 v
Finance                Poor finance situation; disappointed, 7% decrease in sale when the industry is growing at 3.5% (2000); O) M$ X& J# S
Marketing        Have done a lot of promotion        Ineffective and insufficient national advertisement, less on discounting its feature products in advertising.$ Z- f& I  @. k3 M$ e
Operations        Drive through sales;         Similar to other competitor; no differentiation
) K# w6 p1 n6 GHR               
3 K5 v- D* M* C4 h3 V
6 S* l+ t& F  V, y; K! q3 dCompetitive advantages
' j+ ], d6 d* @& n-        location; highway; brand recognition; they are the only big fast food company in the small town; located between three towns7 D, X5 ^( v7 |% l! X/ W0 N8 H+ G1 D! W
-        this small town (population 3000) was part of Portage Country (population 148,000)
: f9 H$ h) g% P
0 B* B4 r; U# U& U2 p4 MSustainability/ Barriers to entry
8 Q3 q3 z4 z0 u$ t-        good brand backed up with good service, good and healthy food3 y" N$ v* `' _! T0 H' X
2 J& [$ z! `4 s
1. Close restaurant and sell
" l# G  H3 K9 A9 o3 S: r3 B-        pro/cons: too many closure in this company; they still have fixed cost no matter the restaurant is open or not; close now may be not pre-mature; summer will be the peak of the year; if they close the store now, they cannot experience any benefit from this summer and  the growth in the industry
( H. k0 }4 K# y: H! c$ ~1 y8 g+ `" e- O7 X$ G3 x. k$ W$ @+ o
-        Valuation - which methods are applicable?$ Q8 _6 [. G- F
Net book value = Asset – Liability (Regular value- $881,000)
5 f% e+ J3 A( X1 a+ A% Z+ e1 [(If they close the restaurant, they will not have any sales-----not sale no projected income statement)????????????????????????????????
' e- g7 m% Q  ^9 Z+ T-        We can not the economic appraisal???????????????# H9 Q, E# `( @: G

, \1 q  N6 G+ n" ]Asset        Cost        Factor        Appraisal Value  O3 R5 L5 k1 C% ^" u8 D/ h8 J
Land         $99,000        Given        $150,000
4 R" _) e; l% I6 U$ gSite Work        $114,000        --------        ----no future value3 Y8 l/ o5 V- i2 `# z0 X+ k/ D  H
Building        $349,000        Given        $250,0008 a0 c: o7 Z4 F; _: f  Z; Y
Kitchen Equip.        $154,000        50%        $77,000
* g: r5 Q. ?3 ?' B' a: |% QDécor        $25,000        25%        $6,2505 D9 s; i- W6 l" n+ q7 A1 j
Franchise fee        $65,000        No value-        ------intangible cost% k4 M+ u# l6 Z" {: Q8 J% @
Signage        $20,000        10%        $2,000" h2 j6 l% \% r5 y
Legal fee        $15,000        No value        ------& H8 ~1 @, w( q5 x& f/ V
Pre-opening        $30,000        No value        ------
1 H% ~- }, k7 W" lReal estate fee        $10,000        No value        ------
2 P6 ?$ l; f5 B5 x! [4 B" CTotal cost        $881,000                $485,250
3 W! D* ?: l( a4 a. ]6 ^  [  r7 r                        0 }' U; X: q9 J! L
Liability        March 30, 2000                Now
8 F, `4 ]; L; p" Y' P' {Loan (land)        $562, 000        $562,000-($3122,22/month * 33months)=$458,967        $ k2 {9 O4 M: L* c' A
Loan (equipment)        $319,000        $819,000-(3797.62/month * 33months)= $193,679        ) g* w5 C* v1 D( ~: u9 I- E
Total Liability         $881,000                $652, 6452 w" r% M8 A* p
                        % s$ l8 K( i. \" |5 H
Total Economic Appraisal                        $485,250-$652,645= ($167,395)
0 {0 _3 u& X- `7 ^; W; q) GImplication: ……Current Net Book Value= Current Asset Value- Original Liability
! s7 s8 Y/ `6 b/ p# F0 X7 F( [$ c9 q( a' ^
2. Continue the operations and sell& {7 t1 H) M* b" \3 }0 l
-        Pros /cons: they will have cash in-flow; summer is coming; summer-peak time;
  T8 X3 F$ \: r! S3 N0 i       Continue to lose money1 @* {/ Y/ {/ C/ S% F5 J
-        Valuation2 w  o+ a2 E  p. B# F
“Want” $50,000 profit target…is this possible?
7 O4 b1 L9 O" f; z1.        Currently, each $1 in revenue has $.70 variable cost and therefore $.30+ g5 G3 ]1 z. M: A7 f# M) ^
2.        What is our breakeven revenue? (Breakeven=Total Fixed cost / UC)
- K- ^. B3 f8 p& CUnit Contribution= Price- Viable cost
1 h! v- T! d* e) C6 jTotal Fixed Cost in 2000= $233,121/ $.30= $777,070/ b5 i  C! |, I1 Q4 k% Z
Total Fixed Cost in 2001= $255,684/ $.30= $852,280; D/ s  h. W9 u
8 a% E5 U8 D3 _3 n& u# S
3.        What is our breakeven revenue with $50,000 profit target?????????????$ c8 L- p  {5 |( T' G4 J$ `% ~
Year= (total fixed cost + profit target / unit contribution)& J7 c/ r; Z/ f4 v, }+ [, N9 f$ L
2000= ($233,121 + $50,000) / $.30= $777,0704 ^. m+ k& x1 s8 \1 g, c, i6 Q. o8 |
2001= ($255,684 + $50,000) / $.30= $850,280 7 F+ F% Y5 v' B6 ^/ i: \) B

  V4 `! o6 H! \9 N7 {9 l/ {        " n  p4 l# _! H; l8 Q8 f
-        Projected income statement for the 8monthe period May1 – December 31, 2002, L+ _- e% g8 I, U
        Assumption        2002 projected        2003 projected        May - Dec
! X' J1 J/ }+ ?+ {- @# h$ ?* r. ISales        Inc 5% from2001 $373,720 (footnotes15)        $548,442        $588,609        $392,4068 j: _2 ?0 n3 S! m' U) X
COGS        Same sale% as 2001-30.3%        $165,552        $178,349        $118,8990 i! r4 X+ e0 k) r1 E* I! Y
Gross Profit                $383,280        $410,260        $237,507: J$ I6 i+ n2 D! f- H4 i3 B! Y
                                5 A2 t: I. b- k2 i8 M# u
Controllable Op. expense        Same %2001-38.7%virable        $218,098        $227,792        $151,861/ x, [- J$ b8 t: f1 N, ~$ |/ A" g
Other Op. expense        Same%:147,461/12*8(fixed)        $144,408        $147,461        $98,307* J9 e  R. u# k7 i0 v# C
Op. Profit                $20,774        $35,008        $23,339
) x8 e; w' w% h2 b! l/ R                               
+ @# P3 P) ]* F  T2 pOther income        Same $ as (2001/12)*8        $2,290        $2,748        $1,8320 _7 z/ d+ Q2 X% {7 E1 u" N
. H9 Y3 z  U1 o% n7 f- e& H4 zAdministrative expense                                 0 {$ ?2 ]4 n/ z. K8 X7 x+ K
Group Insurance        Same $ as (May)/ 8*12        $7,487        $7,811        $5,207
- F) j' D: j9 E' D3 e( ^3 ~  t. tInterest expense                $52,526        $39,723        $30,612
! C: T0 Z1 p4 j* K! WMgnt services                $43,264        $43,878        $29,252
6 W5 c+ A( l1 f5 ^4 o+ |" I; VEmployees                $4,489        $3,331        $2,221* I1 x3 {5 l# q
Total Admin Exp.                 $107,766        $94,743        $67,292
& j; D7 V2 u2 j# I. {( Z3 x8 Z                               
7 u% x  F0 I" k% wNet Profit (loss) before tax                        $-56,987        $-42,1213 F, Z, [0 q; v$ R! m7 A
+ n# r5 N: n7 c; x" T
8 m( K& p3 j4 w- n3 F* r

. E$ y7 S* k- s4 ?/ bEarning before income tax: capital intensive; multiple revenue in order to determine the value of this firm like pharmaritial industry
3 X" t' Q. }' P, F6 t* N  z$ B5 R# f  a0 J+ `
Valuation-with negative earnings4 @5 q& a: o5 h' B; l
-        Multiple can be based on revenue- see www.bizbuysell.com) Z% F: u: a8 T+ F
-        Classic fast food restaurant/ r& H' b3 h2 j5 _2 C
Price / Sales = $400,000/ $550,000= .73       
4 }( u0 b& K( uValuation= $548,442 * $.73= $400,362
# W- o2 T$ O4 ]' k2 ?* P+ N2 j+ x. n+ f
What is our breakeven revenue with $50,000 profit target8 {0 b( G1 x. r$ f
2000= (total fixed cost + profit target / unit contribution)0 B# _: ?" \& j7 V

7 J9 n* D4 t* x$ B/ ?( S4 E8 U, D0 y* G  |
3 t4 u* N2 ?5 O. G6 {# V  _+ j
2 ^# }) |2 K  y; K/ G$ T1 zStart new marketing efforts
# D, z7 d* n2 F) c8 D1 l' EPros: join community service and involvement; motivation; reward employees in order       to re-store employees’ enthusiasm; baseball team; unique conditions: highway0 Y8 V: ^! L' S) \# d6 T
* _% d2 ?) X& x' Q4 P
! t6 _* z' B( c. @; f
1 _7 C0 x) H& @! G: B9 ODecision and Action Plan
- D0 i6 w0 r0 R0 t/ {-        no matter what, it appeared to McCormich that the restaurant would be unprofitable
+ `4 @) q* P! @9 J+ U, E9 `-        However, he recommended that operations continue because it was the “lesser of two evils”
, v( o' k: x8 x4 c2 n" Y-        He was optimistic about HHC’s new product and marketing initiatives
; R+ A% L3 ?% H-        McCormick and Patterson agreed to monitor the restaurant for the next few months for the next few months, and if sales didn’t improve, they would sell as soon as they could find a buyer









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